Monday, February 7, 2011

Sudden Shower

The sudden gust of wind…
Slowly took over my senses
While, the unexpected shower
Drenched my parched soul…

I closed my eyes to see your face
As, the rain beat a steady rhythm
I remembered your promise…
Of drowning in our rain

Perhaps, I will draw blood from your lips
Fill life in your veins
Tear you apart, just to make you whole again…

Or, perhaps…
I will take you in my arms…
And, hide you from the world
Waiting, for rain to blanket our kisses…

As, the heavy drops blur my vision
I seek warmth from a distant screen…
Find love in accidents, coffee cups and rain…
Maybe someday, it will all make sense…someday…


Apeksha said...

"Maybe someday, it will all make sense…someday…" it started any other rainy day...but the intensity increased like a fast approaching storm...n then lost in the wind...i love the irregular flow...the passion...the tenderness...all in a delicate mix..caught in a dream it

Anonymous said...

"Find love in accidents, coffee cups and rain…".....*big big hug*...theres a marked change in your i smell positivity?..<3

Akash said...


rain.... *sigh* made my day ritayan...amazing...

HG said...

sooner or later it all makes sense. :D
awesome work again! :D