Monday, November 15, 2010

The Stranger

The last dregs of coffee...
Drained from the lonely cup…
And, as I get up to lose myself in the world, again
I stumble on the threshold of her eyes…

An eternity passes between us,
While the world measures seconds…
I hang on to every inconsequential syllable…
Hoping to hear some more

Walking away is hard yet necessary…
As, I bury hope, trying to forget the stranger…
But, she finds me
In the mess of an electronic mesh

The unsure, tentative steps…
Lead to long late night chats…
As, we talk of life and chrysanthemums...
While, welcoming the birds home

The future’s uncertain…
The afterglow of the setting sun…
Burns like fire..
While I wonder, does it mean anything?


PPM said...

To me the setting sun always keeping hope alive for a better tomorrow .
Some times I think why the young hearts are so worried / Anxious about uncertain future.Why can't poet sets aside the electronic mesh and breathe under blue sky.

The Cherubin said...

I hope this one is just your creation your baby..but not whats going on in your life...else its risky.....all the best :)

Apeksha said...

"The future’s uncertain…
The afterglow of the setting sun…
Burns like fire..
While I wonder, does it mean anything?" We all tend to be over indulgent in the most futile of things at some or the other point of time in our lives...and you have woven these into a beautiful web that shows life through a keyhole...Thank you... for writing such a beautiful conclusion...Keep writing

HG said...

hey a really nice piece yet again. its funny how all your poems just makes me realize that i feel or have felt the same way sometime or another. :D

you are brilliant as always!

Panchali said...

Chrysanthemums...I love them yellow. Setting sun...I always choose it over sunrise...