Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Sea Inside

I tried to learn from the sea
The ease with which
It finds harmony
In the ceaseless symphony of chaos

Driven by the unsatisfied hunger
The undefined urge to achieve
I sought its energy
To withhold the pressure within

The bittersweet nostalgia
Of meeting an old friend
Remembered in the crashing of waves
And the whiff of salty air

Stinging my eyes
Bringing unwanted tears
Yet it’s great to be back
To find that someone’s always there…


Apeksha said...

Its a nice and warm poem....the dominating emotion seems to be nostalgia....simple and explicit...with elegant usage of make your verses very graceful...good work....keep writing

Dev............... said...

evrytym i try 2 scribble on dis comment coloumn it exhausts all d superlatives ....but dis tym i m bit disappointed !! ritayan could hv made d sea surface many more of its feelings tat it hides insyd !! n all feelings revolving around nostalgia or caressin sum delicate emotions or suppressin d immense volcanic heat underneath . but neverthless wat he has deliverd deservs no less accolades than his othr ones . just tat he has raised our lvl of xpctations 4m him 2 sum real heights is his guilt only ........cheers bro !! grt job othrwise !!

LoisCordelia said...

I think it's great, the way you use the sea only as a starting point for commenting on your own state of mind. This poem works well for its simplicity.