Saturday, July 23, 2011

La Guitara

It lies forgotten…
Covered with dust…in a lonely corner
With music lost in its depth…
My guitar…

I stumbled on it…
As, you tend to find un-looked for things…
Wondering, how I had left it behind…
How with time, I had ceased to care

Unstrung…covered with sands of time
It flooded me…
Like an old memory
Bittersweet…happily painful…

I slowly looked out…
Far away in the distance
A blank stare…a desperate search…
A search for my guitar…and a forgotten me…


Panchali said...

Beautiful as always...and its all the more beautiful when we find the forgotten part of us.

angel said...

You kinda reminded me of those music filled nights when the only common binding used to be souful tunes....well written.

PPM said...

Good one But Nothing is forgotten really

" Rater sab tari thake Diner alor gabhire...."

Apeksha said...

"I stumbled on it…
As, you tend to find un-looked for things…" I believe it is these un-looked for things that tend to change our lives forever...there's a depth in the simplicity of these words...that gets to me...lovely...keep writing

Ranjabati said...

You've given words to a (read: my) commonly felt but as rarely expressed emotion through these libretto..and there, i believe, lies the proficiency of a literary-genius when you can make others relate to your feelings as much as yourself. Super one buddy :)
I'v fallen in love with my guitars all over again..