Sunday, October 24, 2010

Turning 22

The sun signs off for the day
Benign and magnificent in its parting glory…
And, we let it go…for they say…
If you love them, set them free…

The wind comes out of nowhere
Threatening to blow all away…
As, rain rips apart the evening sky
I take a walk…

As, the rain encompasses me
Things become hazy and hard to see…
Yet, things have rarely been clearer…
I have seldom been so free

All is still…as the world seems to reflect…
Life and crossroads…death and wisdom…
All is quiet…as the world seems to listen…
Fury and peace…rhythm and rain…

The walk continues…as does age…
Another year of decay and growth…
As, I walk towards maturity and death…
Life…a tension of opposites…continues…


Apeksha said...

"Life…a tension of opposites…continues…" And so it does...Your words are as beautiful a mixture of emotions,as the various tastes of life...Its the grace with which we accept...that talks of how we treat our lives...Its the trees swayin in the taken by the flow...keep writing

Panchali said...

I usually detest self composed poems. Mostly because of their stupidity. Meaningless mixture of vocab. This one,reminds me of my feelings when I turned 18. Hence, I loved it.

james2011 said...

You painted a vivd picture for me and made my heart sink. So much talent. Bravo.

PPM said...

The picture attached to your poem is superb.

Good one "The walk continues…as does age…" ..

I feel the age signifies here the continuity of life.

Stay safe .