I watch the sea of life…
Break on the shores of eternity
And, I watch the endless parade…
Of lives without meaning
And, I cry…
Waiting, for the tears to be heard
While, I search for words
In the sunshine-less streets of the world
Somewhere, there is a saga
Of memories…and quicksand
Of forgotten words in dusty bylanes
Of stories untold
I bid adieu…I lose myself
To join the crowd, yet not be a part
To be torn apart…just to be whole again
Time it is…for being heard
I sing…the unsung songs
Carrying the voice of unheard throngs
I fly and fall…I flow and ebb…
With the hungry tides eating my soul
Break on the shores of eternity
And, I watch the endless parade…
Of lives without meaning
And, I cry…
Waiting, for the tears to be heard
While, I search for words
In the sunshine-less streets of the world
Somewhere, there is a saga
Of memories…and quicksand
Of forgotten words in dusty bylanes
Of stories untold
I bid adieu…I lose myself
To join the crowd, yet not be a part
To be torn apart…just to be whole again
Time it is…for being heard
I sing…the unsung songs
Carrying the voice of unheard throngs
I fly and fall…I flow and ebb…
With the hungry tides eating my soul